Inglês Funcional
Como convidar alguém para ir ao cinema em inglês

Como convidar alguém para ir ao cinema em inglês

Formas de convidar alguém para ir ao cinema

-> Would you like to go to the movies?
(Você gostaria de ir ao cinema?)
–> How about going to the movies?
(Que tal ir ao cinema?)
–> Why don’t we go to the movies?
(Por que não vamos para o cinema?)
–> Do you want to go the movies?
(Você quer ir ao cinema?)
–> Are you free to go the movies tonight?
(Você está livre para ir ao cinema hoje a noite?)
-> Let’s go to the movies
(Vamos ao cinema)

Aceitando ou recusando um convite

–> Yes, I’d love to.
(Sim, adoraria)
–> Good idea.
(Boa ideia)
–> I’m sorry, I can’t.
(Desculpa, não posso)
–> I’m sorry. I can’t make it (tonight).
(Sinto muito, não posso esta noite)

Marcando uma hora e um lugar pra se encontrar

–> Let’s meet in front of …. at 8:30
(Vamos nos encontrar em frente da… às 8:30)
–> Let’s meet in… at 7:15
Vamos nos encontrar… às 7:15)
–> Let’s meet at… at 5:00

Vocabulário: Cinema/ Movies/ Movie Theater

Cinema = cinema

I’m going to the cinema tonight. (Eu estou indo para o cinema esta noite)
(Obs. mais usado nos Estados Unidos)

Movies = cinema

I’m going to the movies tonight. (Eu estou indo para o cinema esta noite)
(Obs. também usado nos Estados Unidos)

Movie theater = cinema

I’m going to the movie theater tonight. (Eu estou indo para o cinema esta noite)
(Obs. mais usado na Inglaterra)

KIND OF MOVIES -Tipo de Filmes

Action | Adventure | Fantasy | Sci-Fi

Action film is a film genre in which the protagonist or protagonists are thrust into a series of events that typically include violence, extended fighting, physical feats, rescues and frantic chases.

Adventure films are a genre of film whose plots feature elements of travel. They typically involve protagonists who must leave their home or place of comfort and go to far away lands to fulfill a goal. Settings play an important role in adventure films, sometimes as big as the characters themselves

Fantasy films are films that belong to the fantasy genre with fantastic themes, usually magic, supernatural events, mythology, folklore, or exotic fantasy worlds. The genre is considered a form of speculative fiction alongside science fiction films and horror films, although the genres do overlap.[1] Fantasy films often have an element of magic, myth, wonder, escapism, and the extraordinary

Science fiction (or sci-fi) is a film genre that uses speculative, fictional science-based depictions of phenomena that are not fully accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial lifeforms, alien worlds, extrasensory perception and time travel, along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots, cyborgs, interstellar travel or other technologies.

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