• 98899-xxxx-xxxx
  • atendimento@josivaldoxp.com
  • Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil

Twilight- Crepúsculo (Teste de Compreensão Auditiva)

Josivaldo XP – Quiz

Level: Beginners
(Alunos do Ensino Fundamental)

  1. 1.The boy is…
  2. weak and thin
    strong and fast
    fat and slow

  3. 2.The girl thinks the boy is…
  4. a hero
    a student
    a bad guy

  5. 3.The boy is also…
  6. a hero
    a bad guy
    a vampire

  7. 4. A security guard was killed by…
  8. a animal
    a vampire
    a dog

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