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  • atendimento@josivaldoxp.com
  • Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil

Heavy rains

No meio de uma copa do mundo um fato lamentável no estado de Alagoas. Veja isso!


missing –> if something is missing, it is not in its usual place, and you cannot find it –> desaparecido(a)
homeless –> people have nowhere to live. –> desabrigado(a)
death –> death is the permanent end of the life of a person or animal–> morto
increase –> it becomes greater in number, level, or amount –> aumentar
civil defense –> is the organization and training of the ordinary people in a country so that they can help the armed forces, medical services, or police force, for example if the country is attacked by an enemy –> defesa civil
damage -> damage is physical harm that is caused to an object –> prejuízo
injured –> an injured person or animal has physical damage to part of their body, usually as a result of an accident or fighting –> machucado
flood –> a large amount of water covers an area which is usually dry –> enchente/inundação
schedule –> is a plan that gives a list of events or tasks and the times at which each one should happen or be done –> agenda
rain chuva
displace –> if a person or group of people is displaced, they are forced to moved away from the area where they live –> desalojar

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Foto: Reprodução/ Site CNN

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Foto: Reprodução/ Site do Jornal Nacional

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