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Friday the13th —> Sexta-Feira 13

Did you know that…?

Fear of number 13 has its origin in Cristian religion, because at the Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples were thirteen altogether, among whom there was Judas, the traitor.
Because of this supertition many tall buildings in the US simply omit the thirteenth floor.

Você sabia….?

Medo do número 13 tem origens da religião Cristã, por causa da última ceia, Jesus e seus discípulos eram 13 juntos, dentre eles, existia Judas, o traidor.
Por causa dessa superstição, muitos prédios nos Estados Unidos não tem o 13° andar, simplesmente são omitidos.


Ordinal Numbers are the words representing the rank of a number with respect to some order, in particular order or position (i.e. first, second, third, etc.). Its use may refer to size, importance, chronology, etc.

1st – first
2nd – second
3rd – third
4th – fourth
5th – fifth
6th – sixth


Ordinal Numbers – São números usadas para assinalar uma posição numa sequência ordenada.

1° primeiro
2° segundo
3° terceiro
4° quarto
5° quinto
6° sexto

Vocabulary of superstition:

Salt – Sal
Ladder – Escada
Garlic – Alho
Knives – Facas
Hiccups – Soluços
Black Cat – Gato Preto
Mirror – Espelhos
Rabbits – Coelhos


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