• 98899-xxxx-xxxx
  • atendimento@josivaldoxp.com
  • Maceió, Alagoas, Brasil

Entrevistas com Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson.

Interview 1: Kristen Stewart

1.: When did Kristen Stewart go to Brazil?

2.: Where are the most enthusiastic welcomes?

3.: Como foi traduzido "stupid things" na entrevista?

Interview 2: Robert Pattinson

1.: What team did Pattinson use to support?

2.: Qual é a tradução correta para "I hope so"?

3.: Pattinson was in the scene in...

4.: What word does Pattinson really learn in portuguese?

5.: What superpower would Pattinson like to have?

6.: what band does Pattinson like?